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Court Lodge is a working organic dairy farm in the heart of the Sussex countryside. Although our day job is farming we are also keen naturalists and wildlife lovers which is why we farm in a way that allows nature to flourish all over our land.


Why organic?

We choose organic for the wildlife, for us and for you. 

Do you like more wildlife? Do you want to say NO to eating pesticides, weedkiller & hormones? Together we can fight back. Use your WALLET as a WEAPON and buy ORGANIC.


For the wildlife....

We do not use any herbicides, insecticides or fungicides - not even restricted use ones, and no purchased fertiliser - the only fertiliser is the manure from our own cows. This means our organic farm is a haven for wildlife and provides homes for many plants, insects, bees, birds, mammals & butterflies (including some rare ones!) We love to see our land as a beautiful flourishing ecosystem so we choose to work in balance with nature. 

Part of our farm extends into the Sussex Wildlife Trust Pevensey Marshes reserve where our cows help the SWT to manage the habitat through conservation grazing. You can read more about the reserve here:

For climate change....

Here at Court Lodge we are always looking for ways to become more sustainable...

Where possible our packaging (including our yogurt bottles) comes from recycled products. 

We have recently installed solar panels on the roof of our yogurt dairy to power our electricity sustainably.

We employ local people from our community. 







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