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Soda Bread
Our natural yogurt makes amazing soda bread..Marian often makes this in the farmhouse.

Yogurt & Granola
Make your own granola to serve with our pouring yogurt. We love this recipe from Deliciously Ella..

Risotto & Yogurt
Stir in our natural yogurt to a risotto at the end. Works particularly well with prawn, kale & lemon risotto.

Yogurt Pancakes

Stir in a glug of our natural yogurt into your quiche mixture before you pour into the pastry case. Gives it a different fresher depth of flavour.

Yogurt Slaw

Next to chai, lassi is the most refreshing drink in India

Yogurt Scones

Berry Thickie

Ginger & Pear

Yog Choc Muffins

Dips & Yogs

Breakfast Booster


Frozen yogurt
Our yogurt makes amazing fro-yo! Our fruit yogurts are great for making kids ice yogurt lollies.
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